Thursday, January 27, 2011


Sure models are beautiful but in reality you are your own model.
I am guilty of obsessing over my flaws and not overcoming the inevitable.. but lets face it: we’re never satisfied. My professor for Sociology had us watch a video on Women. The video entailed all kinds of media clippings suggesting that women have become an object. It provided examples from magazine clippings with women exposing their body parts such as thighs, breasts, torsos, butts... pretty much their whole body with bold wording that read “SEX TIPS”, “SEX THAT HE’LL NEVER FORGET”, “BIGGER BUTT EXERCISES”, “FLAT BELLY THIS SUMMER” and etc. Pretty much setting the impression at a level that focused on the exterior of a woman making the exterior inferior with the interior. After deconstructing the advertisements on the magazines, the video touch based with how the parts of a woman were being used as sex symbols. Parts such as lips giving woman the “luscious feeling HE will never forget”. And whoever “HE” is.. “Women” have become HIS sex slave. The media has taken away the beauty of being a woman and replaced it with promiscuity.

Then woman are slowly being brain washed to believe a lie… since their body isn’t as slim or curved like the woman on the magazine is, then a man won’t want her and then she begins to depreciate herself. That’s terrible.

The video also showed how willing woman are becoming to starve and showcase an unrealistic exterior. I must admit that after seeing this video it made me angry because I began to realize that a woman’s worth has become slim to none. It almost seems as though the media sees a woman as a sex toy and the only thing we are good for is sex or being an emblem for sex. Why is that?

Sure, who doesn’t want to look like the model on the front cover of a magazine? But the reality behind that is that those very same models are air brushed and modified repetitively before they can be exposed to the world. Of course the naked eye of a camera lens will not encompass the beauty from within a woman but the content of a magazine can… as well as how the picture is presented. Why is it that sex sells, but appropriateness is teased?

Instead of a woman attempting to achieve a sense of high self esteem, she looks for comfort through a magazine that expresses a bias structure towards what a woman “should look like”. And in that case, I am utterly against it. Even though I am not perfect and I myself have insecurities, the reality of it is, my body will never look like someone else’s body that is voluptuous or curvy. Sure I have other insecurities that have turned me out into feeling this way about myself and this is why I’m tackling it so hard.

My point is, like I said from the beginning “we are our own models”. When you look in the mirror without comparing yourself to anyone; it feels good. Women, you are beautiful inside and out! You don’t need your body to define who you are as a person! And if for any chance you feel bad about how you look; then change it. But don’t let a magazine dictate your self esteem and don’t let magazine articles enhance your need for sexual attention; just be.

Create your own media… =)


  1. I agree with everything you have said in this post, I am glad to see another young women see the truth about these magazines :)

  2. Aw thanks love =] great minds think alike*
    Thanks for reading*
