Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sexuality Vs. Generation

*Disclaimer: I'm a blunt individual, and what I have to say stands for my own clarity. Everything that is written on my blog isn't intended to offend anyone.*

I got to thinking about how lightly sexuality is being taken today. While sitting in my Intro to Diversity class my professor began her lecture with the topic of sexuality and how little by little people are being more insensitive about it.

Most people look up to a higher power when it comes to terms with what makes certain "acts" "okay". Mostly everyone is well aware of the rap artist Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. aka "Weezy". A couple of years ago Wezzy showed affection to another male rap artist (Baby) on TV as he kissed him on the lips on 106 & Park. Why was that okay? Why was it okay for the kiss to be exposed on national television BUT the sight of gay men kissing is abominable? What made that action okay? Why is that we can come to terms with the actions of a famous rap artist and justify him kissing another man, but when a man kissing another man defines who he is - there is always a huge statement made...?

By the way; I'm not gay and I'm not agreeing that being gay is the way to be but I'm just bringing this action out in the open.

I just want to know: what has the industry provided for society to accept as okay? It seems as though if we take a popular rap artist and say he has herpes it will not spoil his reputation for the most part but instead it will minimize the severity of the actual disease. Hence this being an actual problem. In my opinion many people are neglecting the severity of what is wrong... its as if nothing is considered "wrong" now-a-days.... this is slowly becoming problematic.
My children are going to belong to a generation in which none of these things matter by then because will have just become another random act of what "people do"(kissing same sex on the lips) or what "people have" (diagnosed with an STD).

If my generation is preaching that these things are okay or in a sense they are being justified, then OUR future generations will reap what WE have sewn...

ahhh more to come :)

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