Friday, January 7, 2011

Sex and The City

I remember the first time I heard the title "Sex and The City"! I was listening to the song "Bonnie and Clyde" by Beyonce ft Jay-Z... "the only time we dont speak is during Sex and the City, she gets Carrie fever..."
Yes I was pretty young and the only relation I made to "sex" was; I wasnt supposed to know about it =x
In the long run... I came across it on TV and I think it stands for women and what we truly think about sex... its like our orgasm outloud and in script. Things we wish we could do; the four ladies in SATC do for us. I think my favorite character is Samantha! She is such a funny character... she makes a game out of sex; she uses crayons as an assimilation for goodness sakes! lol

One of the best things about SATC is the quotes... When im in an un-defineable mood... I refer to the quotes in SATC...

"Maybe some women arent meant to be tamed, Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them"
"Maybe all men are a drug, sometimes they bring you down and sometimes, like now, they get you so high"
OR.. I could go on and on and on BUT I cant seem to copy and paste.. so im too lazy to continue to have to go back and forth with the whole copy and paste thing!

I have so many quotes that I will mention through out my blog! Stay tuned =)

1 comment:

  1. in all honesty....
    SAMANTHA IS THE BEST CHARACTER ON SEX AND THE CITY! i just love her attitude...she does have way too much sex though hahaa
