Thursday, May 12, 2011

American Idol

Alright.. I used to say I dont watch TV.. but thats a lie NOW. Before it totally was the truth but now its a down right lie. Im totally hooked on American Idol.. and Ill admit the only reason why I even put MAXIMUM effort in watching it is because of Jennifer Lopez..

I've always been a fan of hers! She's so gorgeous and do you know of a 42 year old that dances like she does and shakes it like a polaroid picture better than she can?
NO. I didnt think so*

After getting used to seeing her on the screen as judge on American Idol, Ive come to the conclusion that.. I actually like the show!

My favorite contestant is CASEY!

He is too talented. He was voted off, then Randy saved him.. along with the other two judges- But not as drastically as Randy saved him! and then... boom.. there you go- he's back on. However; America knows NO talent when they see it..

*clearly... hence; "racks on racks on racks"... (SMH)

Casey was voted off for good this time. All I kept thinking was *This is some bull...*

But lucky for me Im going to buy American Idol tickets to see them on tour when they come to Orlando on July 24th! woot woot! Sorry if you wont be there... BUT CASEY WILL ;)

BTW 'Casey' is a guy hehehe ;)